Monday, April 13, 2015

What you have learned and how it has changed your understanding? KOMAGATA MARU

I knew about the komagata maru due to being taught about it in the past. The Komagata maru was a Japanese steamship that sailed from China to Japan and then to Vancouver carrying around 376 passengers from Punjab. When the steamship arrived in Vancouver only 24 were admitted to Canada the rest were told to return to India. This was part of the exclusion law in which both Canada and United States designed to keep out immigrants of only Asian origin. The Asian Exclusion Act was a law that said for a ship to dock in Canada, the ship would have to make a continuous journey from where it started, which was nearly impossible. Since the passengers weren't allowed entry into Canada they decided to wait at the docks until they were, but days went by without food and water it got harder and harder for them to stay alive. After two months the Canadian government sent two naval ships to escort the Komagata maru out of Canadian territory. I have learned a lot about the komagata maru after doing this assignment. It made me realize that many people including Sikhs had to struggle just to enter Canada, something that I take for granted. Racism was a big key in this issue, and it happened back then and it still happens today.

Is our society too sensitive?

In my opinion the world has changed quite drastically. Now people are voicing out there opinions more, and they feel more safe and comfortable to stand up for their rights. A lot of different topics have been put out into the public for others to see. Such as bullying and gay/lesbian rights. Now that more people are finding it easier to display there problems to the world, it has become easier for people to judge and perceive new ideas. On smaller issues, society has definitely become more sensitive, now everything is taken as bullying whether you're stating your own opinion or just calling a black person "black" can upset many people. People these days get offended in the most simplest ways, even when movies are made for comedic purposes some people get offended. Even when people are freely speaking there opinion they are told to shut there mouth. If its not something positive or nice then don't say it at all, that's what we as humans are told to do. If you don't like another chicks hair one day then make sure you don't tell her because she will surely get offended even if she's looking for an honest answer. If we don't get the freedom of speech in what we think is right or in anything overall then how is the world ever going to change.