Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The History of You!

My parents are both from India; they grew up in a small city in Punjab called Jalandhar. My grandpa worked in the military and my grandma was a stay at home mom who took care of my dad and my uncle. My nanny was a school teacher and my nana was a farmer. My dad grew up with his brother and parents, while my mom had 3 sisters and a brother so her family was a lot bigger with 7 people. My mom went as far as high school for her education and my dad went further with his college studies in order to achieve a promising career. My parents were introduced to each other through a relative and that's how they met and had an arranged marriage. My dad was 25 and my mom was 22 when they got married, I think they got married at a young age but during that time marrying at a young age was pretty normal and some people still do so. After getting married by dad flew to Canada and started working. After about a year he flew back to India and brought my mom and grandparents along with him and that's when they settled in Victoria where my dad and my mom both worked as cleaners. Life was tough for them and money wasn't easy to earn, my dad always tells me about the numerous amount of times he's had to clean toilets or change bed sheets and how I should never take anything for granted. If it wasn't for my dad coming to Canada I would have never had such a luxurious life style. My sister was born on October.17, 1994 she always talks about how cool it is to have been born in Victoria and always flaunts it in my face because before I was able make my existence onto this planet my parents made a switch and moved to Surrey. This is where my dad was able to start his career as an Insurance and Mortgage Broker, if you need any help with that kind of stuff give him a call. I was born on November.20, 1997 and I was such a great baby basically I never cried so best baby award goes to me. So far I've lived in three different houses and the house I'm living in now I've been living in it for around 12 years and now we're building a new house and it's quite stressful.  I started playing soccer when I was around 8 and I played until I was 12 and I basically stopped playing due to laziness and I never got back to filling out the registration forms, so ended quite quickly, but the start of grade 9 I decided to take another shot at it I registered and started playing and I just finished another season about a month ago, I really miss it and I want to continue playing. After highs school I want to continue my education at SFU and achieve a degree in order to go to law school where I can hopefully become a lawyer. I like debating with other people and figuring out who is right and wrong in certain situations. I also have a brother who was born March.2, 2003 so he's the baby in the house and definitely acts like it. I love baking, Indian soap operas are not my thing even though it's on 24/7 at my house, my mother loves every show and I love trying new things and one day I wish to travel the world. I hope that taught you more about who I am, and how I am where I am. 


Three ways on how to educate you’re kids on racism

Educating kids on issues such as racism is way different when brought up with adults. With kids you need to ease into the topic slowly, don’t rush the topic because it’s important for them to realise how big of an issue this is. Make the message age appropriate, kids like to see visual pictures in order to learn more about something, one way you can show them that is by getting two different colored eggs and cracking them open this shows them that even though it’s colored differently from the outside they are the same in the inside.   Be a good role model, kids grow up with their parent’s values and if you don’t share your morals they will never learn the right way. Also teach them about how people in the past have struggled with racism and how much black people had to fight to be equal.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Prom Night In Mississippi Questions

What are the tensions faced by these students? Can you identify the different issues each student faces and the cause of these issues?

 Prom night in Mississippi is a documentary about high school students who have segregated proms. The prom is divided racially. The white kids and black kids are separated on one of the most important nights of graduating. Morgan Freeman steps up to help pay for the prom, where all the kids can enjoy this night together as one graduating class. Many people have different opinions on the prom being integrated. A majority of the kids voted for their prom to be combined, but with change comes many problems. After this idea was presented to the graduating class of Charleston High school, many issues arose. There was one incident where a white girl said she didn't want to be part of a prom where black people would be invited, that's when a black girl came up to her and started to defend her "people". The two girls were taken to the principal where the white girls said she was threatened. After hearing about the incident the principal was more supportive towards the white girl while the black girl just wanted to step up for the black people. A girl name Chasidey who is black was communicating with a white boy they exchanged numbers and texted each other, she liked him but their relationship didn't go anywhere because they both were different skin colors and neither parent would support their relationship. Most of the white parents didn't support the white prom and that was a big reason why they had a segregated prom. Many of the parents grew up with people their skin color and never talked to someone of another color. Another problem, was with Jessica and her friend Calvin, who are both different race and Jessica's parents didn't approve of their friendship. There were many incidents where Jessica's parents would threaten her for being friends with Calvin and if he ever caught her he would beat her to hell. A big reason their was a segregated prom was because of the parents and once the students were okay with an integrated prom the planning begun, everything from decorations to food.  Even though there was a combined prom some of the white parents didn't agree with it so they decided to have a only white prom. Most of the white kids were forced to go to the white prom due to their parents.  Most of all the parents were being racist even when their kids were dating different races. I think as a human we learn a lot from our parents and many of their values are passed onto us and what they believe in. So if they are racist then its easier for us to act that way, the same way when you follow a religion its usually the one you're parents follow. In this documentary it was the students that had to follow their own path  and change the future for coming generations.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Social Justice 12-1 Concepts


The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group.

Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group.

Abstract word cloud for Cultural assimilation with related tags and terms Stock Photo - 17197464


To remove or reduce the population, by destruction or expulsion.                         


Is the process of cultural change and psychological change that results, following meeting between cultures.

Japanese people dressing in western clothing is an example of acculturation




A convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.

A settlement between two parties


Cultural Revitalization

The process of affirming and promoting people’s individual and collective cultural identity.

An example of cultural revitalization would be if the Natives of North America somehow got their land back, and became a significant part of the population in the current North America. They would go back to their original way of life (excluding the new technology that has been created that would affect their daily life).

A theoretical example of it having a negative effect would be if part of a culture that involved killing people was brought back, such as cannibalism, or witch hunts.


Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Ethnocentric individuals judge other groups relative to their own ethnic group or culture, especially with concern for language, behavior, customs, and religion.

1.A Westerner thinking that using chopsticks at every meal to eat is strange, silly, or a "stupid" way to eat

2.A person of a different culture making jokes about the practice of eating certain foods in another culture.

3.The belief that our religion is better than somebody else's.

4.Criticizing systems of living because they do not match ours.

5.Judging another culture because women do not work outside the home.

6.Thinking another culture is strange because they dress differently than you do.




Cultural homogenization is the homogenization of different cultural practices into one blended, uniform cultural practices that do not allow easy identification of the characteristics of many cultures. It means over the years, peoples of two or more cultures have interacted and intermingles in such a manner as to lose their individual cultural identities and merged into a one uniform culture than does not show any trace of diversity of different cultures among the people.

Cultures and languages are dying because the people who used to practice them are using mainstream languages such as English, and experiencing western culture.


The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.

A current example would be a family that has emigrated from Mexico to the US. They learn English, get jobs and education, get assimilated into the society. Eventually they are mainstream.


To put or keep someone in a powerless or unimportant position within a society or group

When one class of people is grouped together as second class citizens, this is an example of marginalization.


Discrimination is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice. This includes treatment of an individual or group based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated".

  1. Harassment
  2. Wage discrimination
  3. Discrimination in hiring
  4. Discrimination in housing

Discrimination 471