Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The History of You!

My parents are both from India; they grew up in a small city in Punjab called Jalandhar. My grandpa worked in the military and my grandma was a stay at home mom who took care of my dad and my uncle. My nanny was a school teacher and my nana was a farmer. My dad grew up with his brother and parents, while my mom had 3 sisters and a brother so her family was a lot bigger with 7 people. My mom went as far as high school for her education and my dad went further with his college studies in order to achieve a promising career. My parents were introduced to each other through a relative and that's how they met and had an arranged marriage. My dad was 25 and my mom was 22 when they got married, I think they got married at a young age but during that time marrying at a young age was pretty normal and some people still do so. After getting married by dad flew to Canada and started working. After about a year he flew back to India and brought my mom and grandparents along with him and that's when they settled in Victoria where my dad and my mom both worked as cleaners. Life was tough for them and money wasn't easy to earn, my dad always tells me about the numerous amount of times he's had to clean toilets or change bed sheets and how I should never take anything for granted. If it wasn't for my dad coming to Canada I would have never had such a luxurious life style. My sister was born on October.17, 1994 she always talks about how cool it is to have been born in Victoria and always flaunts it in my face because before I was able make my existence onto this planet my parents made a switch and moved to Surrey. This is where my dad was able to start his career as an Insurance and Mortgage Broker, if you need any help with that kind of stuff give him a call. I was born on November.20, 1997 and I was such a great baby basically I never cried so best baby award goes to me. So far I've lived in three different houses and the house I'm living in now I've been living in it for around 12 years and now we're building a new house and it's quite stressful.  I started playing soccer when I was around 8 and I played until I was 12 and I basically stopped playing due to laziness and I never got back to filling out the registration forms, so ended quite quickly, but the start of grade 9 I decided to take another shot at it I registered and started playing and I just finished another season about a month ago, I really miss it and I want to continue playing. After highs school I want to continue my education at SFU and achieve a degree in order to go to law school where I can hopefully become a lawyer. I like debating with other people and figuring out who is right and wrong in certain situations. I also have a brother who was born March.2, 2003 so he's the baby in the house and definitely acts like it. I love baking, Indian soap operas are not my thing even though it's on 24/7 at my house, my mother loves every show and I love trying new things and one day I wish to travel the world. I hope that taught you more about who I am, and how I am where I am. 


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