Thursday, June 11, 2015

Disabled People living in Poverty Reflection

My project was on poverty for people who have disabilities. I learned that people with disabilities can also be poor. When I think of poor people I think of drugs, violence, someone that has no motive to actually do something. But people that are poor are so much more than that, they come in all different sizes and shaped. One reason someone could be poor is that they are on a wheelchair and can’t do what a normal person can. That really sucks, this project opened my eyes up to various situations poor people have especially when they have a disability. In order to treat a disability you have to spend money, and say that you’re a man or woman living on their own, your life just gets harder because you don’t have the money to spend on your operation. So now your poor and are impaired. In the same way poverty can turn you into a happy healthy person into a sick immobilized person. Many people are discriminated for being disabled, they are not taken seriously. Say your hiring people for a job would you pick a healthy man who can walk on his own two feet or a man on a wheelchair…..OBVIOUSLY the man that can walk around and he doesn’t have any issues.  After doing this project, I've realized how tough life is for people in poverty. It is hard to afford basic needs and being disabled adds a lot onto the cost. It's tough for someone who's disabled and in poverty to make savings when they cannot even get a job. I think we should be supporting everyone, especially people who are disabled because there’s not much they can do with their life.

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