Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Abortion Essay



Abortion is when a pregnancy is terminated so that it doesn’t result in the birth of a child, sometimes known as “termination of pregnancy”. Abortion is either pressurized by others or spontaneous.  There’s a higher chance of unplanned pregnancies then intended, which leads to abortion.  The total number of abortions from 2007-2013 just in British Columbia were about 12,000 (Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, 2015). Abortion is one of those issues which differentiate opinion and reality. It is something which many people have strong feelings for and it’s hard to distinguish if it’s right or wrong. There is a lot of controversy over this topic because it’s hard to segregate if it’s the slaughter of an innocent being or the right of the mother to decide what she wants for her body (Medic8, n.d.). Many women give birth to a child that they cannot financially support, that is why abortion is used at a point where it is being abused similarly to birth control to avoid being financially troubled. The majority of the women who have abortions are between the ages of 20-29 (Guttmacher Institute, 1996-2011). Careless and immature behaviour often leads to pregnancy especially at a younger age. Giving birth at a young age causes a lot of danger to the mother and baby. It is important to look at both sides of the story and consider the right women have to abort or keep the child.


These days, many young teens get pregnant because they are not able to understand the many problems that will come when not having protected sex and having a baby. There are many reasons women decide to abort their child. Some women aren’t able to proceed with pregnancy due to health issues, women that are young and don’t take the necessary steps needed when pregnant are lead to abort their children due to serious health risks affecting them and their child(WebMD,2005-2015). Another reason is that some of these women are financially unstable and their partners leave them after finding out there pregnant (About.com, 2015).  There are two side effects after abortion, the emotional and physical sides. The physical side effects vary per woman, for some it’s long term with heavy or persistent bleeding (American Pregnancy Association, 2015). Some women are filled with regret and guilt which often leads to anxiety and depression (American Pregnancy Association, 2015). Abortion effects both fetus and the women. It also affects society, because with abortion many people are encouraged to stand up for their opinion and fight for the unborn babies rights (life.org, 2011).


Also, Canada has no legal restrictions on abortion. There are about 39,000 abortions each year in Ontario, delivered in 76 hospitals and 6 clinics. An exception is Quebec, where abortion rates are among the highest in the Western world (Med.uottawa, n.d.). Abortion is spread through all of Canada due to it being legal. If it was illegal then women would have to go through miscarriages which would result in jail due to it being a suspicion of manslaughter and some women would be forced to keep unwanted pregnancies resulting in absurd treatment to the child (Patheos, 2008-2015). It is a constant battle to understand if abortion is right or wrong. No one can do anything to change abortion, it will always happen as long as it is legal in Canada.


Similarly, not much can happen by ending abortion, women will abort anyways and die doing it (Loxafamosity, 2005-2015). Women around the world have tried to end their pregnancies either through legal or illegal ways. Estimates of the number of illegal abortions in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s range from 200,000 to 1.2 million per year (Our bodies ourselves, 2015). The government has all the power in making abortion legal. People cannot say much about abortion other than their opinion and they cannot do much to support what they think is right other than protest. Abortion will always have a wrong and a right side; it will always depend on every woman’s different case.

Ultimately the decision to abort is the entire woman’s idea and she is to think about the choices she wants to make to her body. There is no need for someone else to point out their opinion unless it’s their own child. Everyone makes decisions to what they support and what they think is right. Everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech but to a certain degree; no one needs to meddle into another’s life. Abortion is a huge topic and it has its ups and downs, it will forever be a topic of grand discussion and many people will butt heads when their opinions do not match.












Work Cited


"What If Abortion Were Illegal?" Love Joy Feminism. Web. 16 June 2015.


"Facts & Figures: Abortion." Facts & Figures: Abortion. Web. 16 June 2015.


"Impact of Abortion on Society." Impact of Abortion on Society. Web. 16 June 2015.


"Emotional Side Effects From an Abortion." American Pregnancy Association. 25 Apr. 2012. Web. 16 June 2015.


"Sources." Who Does Abortion Affect. Web. 16 June 2015.


People with Disabilities Living in Poverty

Friday, June 12, 2015

How has social justice changed your views?

Entering this class I didn’t think much of social justice, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. But now that we are nearing the end I have definitely started to pay more attention to the news and what is going on around the world. It has opened me into thinking more about human rights and what privileges we have as citizens of Canada. What boundaries we have as people and what is right and wrong. I know now that social change weather big or small is still a change in improving our rights. Strikes actually do make a difference; petitions are a huge way of changing rules and regulations. I would like to thank Mr. Headley for teaching this wonderful class and bringing awareness to different ideas and concepts weather its racism or a change we need to make as a society (grad class). Writing these blogs has made me put in the effort I need to separate what I feel is right and wrong. Sometimes as humans we need to just sit down and think and this blog really helped me. I will make sure I continue to understand and stand up for new changes and bring justice to what I believe is right.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Disabled People living in Poverty Reflection

My project was on poverty for people who have disabilities. I learned that people with disabilities can also be poor. When I think of poor people I think of drugs, violence, someone that has no motive to actually do something. But people that are poor are so much more than that, they come in all different sizes and shaped. One reason someone could be poor is that they are on a wheelchair and can’t do what a normal person can. That really sucks, this project opened my eyes up to various situations poor people have especially when they have a disability. In order to treat a disability you have to spend money, and say that you’re a man or woman living on their own, your life just gets harder because you don’t have the money to spend on your operation. So now your poor and are impaired. In the same way poverty can turn you into a happy healthy person into a sick immobilized person. Many people are discriminated for being disabled, they are not taken seriously. Say your hiring people for a job would you pick a healthy man who can walk on his own two feet or a man on a wheelchair…..OBVIOUSLY the man that can walk around and he doesn’t have any issues.  After doing this project, I've realized how tough life is for people in poverty. It is hard to afford basic needs and being disabled adds a lot onto the cost. It's tough for someone who's disabled and in poverty to make savings when they cannot even get a job. I think we should be supporting everyone, especially people who are disabled because there’s not much they can do with their life.

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness
1.   Is it true that most people that live in poverty don’t work hard and don’t apply themselves?
Not all people living in poverty are the reason for their lack of support in living conditions. Some people are put into situations where the only option they have is to live in poverty. Many people are born into a family where they don’t have the power to make money and some are just lazy and don’t want to work in order to help themselves survive. Some people do work hard; they work long shifts and do their best to support themselves and their families. Nowadays everything is so expensive, and if you do have a sturdy job its hard keeping some kind of savings. A family of 4 goes through groceries in less than a week, plus everyone has their different preferences of what they want to eat so you spend $100-$150 on just food. There are so many other expenses that being poor comes easy. Also people get into drugs to forget about the struggles they have at home, I think they just need a push in the right direction. For example, I you’re a single mom with one child, daycare can be expensive with only one 9-5 job that is another way people are lead to poverty. There’s so many reasons on why people are poor its either they don’t want to work hard and would rather fool around and there’s the people that aren’t able to support their families and end up in debt. Or there’s the people that spend money uselessly and end up bankrupt.  It depends on the person and if they have the want to strive harder. Anything is possible as long as you work hard.
2.   How is the version of homelessness in the movie different than what the homeless really experience?
In this movie, homelessness doesn’t seem very different. Once Will smith was able to afford for his family and later after the investment everything went downhill. In the movie I didn’t get much of the feeling poor people are put through, don’t get me wrong I saw Will smith’s struggles but I didn’t see the begging and stealing poor people do. There was one scene where Will wasn’t able to pay for his taxi service so instead he ended up jumping out of the taxi and running off, that scene was pretty realistic because someone in his position would do the same. The way the taxi driver reacted was totally understandable. Or the scene where the landlord was constantly pressuring Will Smith to pay his rent and once he didn’t he was evicted that was a part of the movie that made me realize that this happens to people on a daily.
3.   There are some developed countries in which there are fewer homeless people than in the U.S. Why are there so many homeless people in the U.S.?
The majority of people that are homeless have no other option but to be poor. One out of 50 children or 1.5 million children in America will be homeless each year. According to the United States Conference of Mayors, in 2008 the three most commonly cited causes of homelessness for persons and families were a lack of affordable housing, poverty, and unemployment. I don’t think it has anything to do with being developed and undeveloped, obviously for some people it’s an advantage because some states attract people and some don’t, so it depends. Furthermore, there are different aids such as welfare, or medical aid or food stamps for the poor, but the rules for qualifying are more severe and benefits less than what other countries offer.
4.   Is there any excuse for a society to fail to provide enough shelters for homeless children or for veterans? Is there any excuse for a country to fail to provide enough shelters for all of its homeless citizens?
There’s money everywhere and the most people can do is pay taxes in order to support homeless shelters for children and veterans. I think that’s a responsibility the government has and there’s obviously not enough jobs for these people to have, it’s just so hard for some people. Some have to drop out of high school in order to help out there families so without an education, finding a job is hard and pretty much impossible. I don’t think there’s an excuse for anybody not to have a place to stay for the night. In the movie, Will Smith was only able to stay in the shelter for one night and the next day the certain number of people allowed was used. So then you start thinking about the rest of the people that didn’t make it. Where do they go? I think everyone should have a place to stay, and that’s something the government should make happen. Not like these shelters are five star hotels, you legit need a bed and some water and a urinal and your good to go, better than being on the streets in danger.
5.   Has this movie changed your view of the homeless?
I’ve always tried looking at homeless people like their equal. Because their human and they deserve to be respected and treated equally. No one should be looked at differently just because they don’t have money in their pocket. I definitely do feel bad when I see someone begging for money on the streets and I always think about myself and my whole family and question….What if this was me? How would I want to be treated? Now that I watched this movie, I’ll always try my best to help someone who’s poor out because watching this movie really opened my eyes to what poor people have to do. Their life is hard and they deserve respect for waking up in the morning and knowing they don’t have money in the back or keys to their house.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Grad =D

Our Grad year has gone by with barely a month left and we haven't done anything. The only event I remember that we've done is snowball and that dance was super fun. Mostly everybody in our grad class came and we all partied together we also had paradise but that dance just didn't go well, only 80 people came and we danced to call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen.I can't think of any other event and that really sucks. I also can't blame it on other people that our grad year is so shitty but if anyone ever makes a plan, im always down. There's not much we can do in the short amount of time that we have left we're all so busy with graduating that I don't think anyone really cares anymore, they all just want to get out of high school. Some people also tried planning a hall party and I thought that was really neat but no one wants to give us there hall because they don't want to have to handle a bunch of kids. Which I kind of agree with but if we're giving the money then it shouldn't really matter. Also some grads planned a game where as a class we all play together that was a super cool idea. It gave everybody a chance to assimilate with other people and I think a chance to talk to others. I don't really have any hope for any future plans but if I ever planned anything I don't think people would take me seriously and I would probably fail and it would be sad. BUT if anyone ever plans anything I'm always happy to help others and make whatever event happen. I'm looking forward to dinner dance and commencement and hopefully on grad skip day we can plan something where everyone can do something together. I know there was talk about a bonfire, and if that happens I will most likely be going.

Monday, April 13, 2015

What you have learned and how it has changed your understanding? KOMAGATA MARU

I knew about the komagata maru due to being taught about it in the past. The Komagata maru was a Japanese steamship that sailed from China to Japan and then to Vancouver carrying around 376 passengers from Punjab. When the steamship arrived in Vancouver only 24 were admitted to Canada the rest were told to return to India. This was part of the exclusion law in which both Canada and United States designed to keep out immigrants of only Asian origin. The Asian Exclusion Act was a law that said for a ship to dock in Canada, the ship would have to make a continuous journey from where it started, which was nearly impossible. Since the passengers weren't allowed entry into Canada they decided to wait at the docks until they were, but days went by without food and water it got harder and harder for them to stay alive. After two months the Canadian government sent two naval ships to escort the Komagata maru out of Canadian territory. I have learned a lot about the komagata maru after doing this assignment. It made me realize that many people including Sikhs had to struggle just to enter Canada, something that I take for granted. Racism was a big key in this issue, and it happened back then and it still happens today.

Is our society too sensitive?

In my opinion the world has changed quite drastically. Now people are voicing out there opinions more, and they feel more safe and comfortable to stand up for their rights. A lot of different topics have been put out into the public for others to see. Such as bullying and gay/lesbian rights. Now that more people are finding it easier to display there problems to the world, it has become easier for people to judge and perceive new ideas. On smaller issues, society has definitely become more sensitive, now everything is taken as bullying whether you're stating your own opinion or just calling a black person "black" can upset many people. People these days get offended in the most simplest ways, even when movies are made for comedic purposes some people get offended. Even when people are freely speaking there opinion they are told to shut there mouth. If its not something positive or nice then don't say it at all, that's what we as humans are told to do. If you don't like another chicks hair one day then make sure you don't tell her because she will surely get offended even if she's looking for an honest answer. If we don't get the freedom of speech in what we think is right or in anything overall then how is the world ever going to change.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The History of You!

My parents are both from India; they grew up in a small city in Punjab called Jalandhar. My grandpa worked in the military and my grandma was a stay at home mom who took care of my dad and my uncle. My nanny was a school teacher and my nana was a farmer. My dad grew up with his brother and parents, while my mom had 3 sisters and a brother so her family was a lot bigger with 7 people. My mom went as far as high school for her education and my dad went further with his college studies in order to achieve a promising career. My parents were introduced to each other through a relative and that's how they met and had an arranged marriage. My dad was 25 and my mom was 22 when they got married, I think they got married at a young age but during that time marrying at a young age was pretty normal and some people still do so. After getting married by dad flew to Canada and started working. After about a year he flew back to India and brought my mom and grandparents along with him and that's when they settled in Victoria where my dad and my mom both worked as cleaners. Life was tough for them and money wasn't easy to earn, my dad always tells me about the numerous amount of times he's had to clean toilets or change bed sheets and how I should never take anything for granted. If it wasn't for my dad coming to Canada I would have never had such a luxurious life style. My sister was born on October.17, 1994 she always talks about how cool it is to have been born in Victoria and always flaunts it in my face because before I was able make my existence onto this planet my parents made a switch and moved to Surrey. This is where my dad was able to start his career as an Insurance and Mortgage Broker, if you need any help with that kind of stuff give him a call. I was born on November.20, 1997 and I was such a great baby basically I never cried so best baby award goes to me. So far I've lived in three different houses and the house I'm living in now I've been living in it for around 12 years and now we're building a new house and it's quite stressful.  I started playing soccer when I was around 8 and I played until I was 12 and I basically stopped playing due to laziness and I never got back to filling out the registration forms, so ended quite quickly, but the start of grade 9 I decided to take another shot at it I registered and started playing and I just finished another season about a month ago, I really miss it and I want to continue playing. After highs school I want to continue my education at SFU and achieve a degree in order to go to law school where I can hopefully become a lawyer. I like debating with other people and figuring out who is right and wrong in certain situations. I also have a brother who was born March.2, 2003 so he's the baby in the house and definitely acts like it. I love baking, Indian soap operas are not my thing even though it's on 24/7 at my house, my mother loves every show and I love trying new things and one day I wish to travel the world. I hope that taught you more about who I am, and how I am where I am.